Australian High Note Championship


Brassbanned presents the first official Australian High Note Championships

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Can you play really high? Or do you know someone that can…?

Giving the people what they want since 2008, Brassbanned is literally raising the stakes at the 2016 Australian National Band Championships.

We all know that 20/20 cricket is the shorter, funner, more exciting version of Test cricket. Who likes test cricket? People who really love cricket. Who likes 20/20 cricket? Everyone that watches TV. Accordingly, Brassbanned will be hosting a competition that gets down to the crux of what every good brass band contest is about: who can play the highest. Forget nuances such as musicality, tuning, and tone – give us the high notes!

In a world first (soon to be rolled out throughout NZ, the USA and UK), competitors will be going lip-to-lip in a contest that has more in common with weight lifting and high jump than the standard brass band contest

„This promises to be the most exciting brass related event of 2016“

– Someone famous –

Competitors will have 3 attempts to play a given pitch for a set amount of time, on a supplied Bb cornet with a standard mouthpiece. If they succeed, they will proceed to the next round. Eventually, a winner will be crowned. The competition will be held on the Sunday evening after results (we are working on having the competition happen just before results and just after the last band plays… stay tuned) and live streamed globally.

More details coming soon…